Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Shorter Iraq War Plans

Everybody has a different plan for what to do next in Iraq. As a public service, here is the gist of all of the plans.

The Politicians
St. John McCain ~ Pour in more troops...and then more troops...and still more troops for, gee, well forever, because I was in a prison camp and missed all the fun when we did that in Vietnam.
Sen. Harry Reid ~ Pour in more troops...and take them right back out again.
President George Bush ~ Pour in more troops and wait for the Invisible Pink Unicorn to arrive with a miracle.
Prime Minister Tony Blair ~ Whatever you want, George.
Joint Chiefs of Staff ~ Have a plan first, for once in your fucked up life have a fucking plan before doing something.
Iraq Study Group ~ Talk to everyone, and quietly sneak out while everyone is talking.

In the Region
Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki
~ But, everything is going so well.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad ~ Yea, like we're going to help you.
Muqtada al-Sadr ~ Kill all the Sunnis.
Saudi Arabia ~ Kill all the Shi'ites.
Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ~ Kill all the Iranians, too.

None of the politicans seem to be listening to...
Just about everybody who isn't certifiably insane ~ Bug out of there. As soon as possible bug-the-Hell out of there.


Anonymous said...

None of the politicans seem to be listening to...

The 7 in 10 Americans who'd really like it if we didn't dump another $150B down the tubes.

BTW: TAG! You're it.

PoliShifter said...

Time to get the fuck out now

I support the Kucinich plan

two crows said...

the plan seems to go something like this:
1] stick thumb up ass
2] run around in circles
3] look busy
4] do nothing
5] let hundreds of thousands MORE die and be maimed
6] go in front of micropnones and say, 'Everything's going according to plan.' 'Don't worry. Be happy.' 'No one could have predicted this mess.'
7] hunt for someone to blame.